The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

Visualise … to materialise!

August 28, 2017 Ken 0 Comments

If you want to achieve something, you’re going to have to visualise achieving it. It’s the way your mind works, simple as that. Even when you’re not aware of it, you’re visualising success in some particular thing. You may not know it, but you are. So, to do it more successfully, practice visualisation.

Practise visualisation

Set aside a few minutes twice a day. Ideally, early morning and just before you go to bed. And in those few minutes use your mind the way it’s meant to be used … to visualise things, that is to ‘see’ the things you want in your life, even before they exist in the ‘real world’. It’s an odd concept, if you’re still stuck in the mindset of believing only what you can see. The fact is, that kind of thinking cripples your creativity. You need to realise that the way to move forward is to see what you believe … that is, the exact opposite of the old idea. Instead of believing in only what you can physically see and touch, start seeing, in your mind, what you believe will come about. That’s how you’ll make it happen!

visualiseOnce you realise how important it is to visualise your success, you’ll want to visualise more effectively. And the way to do that is to practice. Don’t settle for viewing a few mental images of your future success, that won’t fire you up with enthusiasm. Really put yourself in your mental images, and immerse yourself in the full experience.

Make your imaginings as real as real life

Create the very emotions you want to experience at the time of your achievement. If you imagine you’ll feel excited, get excited now! If you think you’ll feel proud, don’t wait till the great day comes, feel proud right now, exactly as though you’ve reached the finish line now, today. If you think you’ll feel justified, do yourself a favour and feel that way now!

It’s through raising your frequency to the one you aspire to that you’ll put yourself on the same wavelength as your actual achievement. So don’t imagine that you’re going to feel great when the big day comes, that won’t cut it. Feel great now! Actually generate those feelings of achievement, of self satisfaction, of pride, of contentment, and every other aspect of good feelings that you can think of. This is the way to align yourself with what you want.

You want to achieve something … then feel that way now, the way you’re going to feel when you’ve achieved it. You want to get something (create prosperity, for example), then don’t let it stay as an inert concept that you mentally play around with from time to time. Actually feel wealthy, and exactly as you imagine you will feel once you see your bank balance and note with pleasure that it’s crossed that barrier you thought you’d never attain. experience the marvellous feelings that go with becoming truly prosperous. Enjoy them right now! They’re exactly what will bring you closer to your goal.

That’s what it means, to visualise … to experience in advance, and thereby to hasten the thing into materialisation.

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