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Jason Ferruggia – Muscle Building Secrets

jason ferruggiaJason Ferruggia is quite a big, strong guy, very competent and confident, and well respected in the fitness world. He is in great demand as an advisor and instructor and has a huge online following. But this is light years away from his start in life – he was the typical weak, skinny-fat school kid who yearned to be more like the superheroes he read about in comic books. He idolised them and wanted to be like them. Who wouldn’t?

That’s what got him started training … training for strength, for size, for muscularity. Unfortunately, following the traditional training methods he read about in fitness magazines got him precisely nowhere. And I can totally sympathise with that – I remember reading those things way back and trying to emulate the routines of some of the greats, with practically zero results as well. Just like Jason, I gave it one hundred percent, and trained with a fervour verging on the fanatical, but the results were amazingly … well, let’s just say underwhelming.

muscle gaining secrets ebookAnyway, he decided not to settle for that, he was more of an analytical frame of mind and he wanted to know how to get results. I mean, he really wanted to know!  and that’s when he started to study the whole subject of health and fitness for himself, and as he learned more he developed a quite different approach. He had a simple plan; he kept what worked and chucked out what didn’t. It worked for him, and once he started to write for websites and magazines, it worked for thousands of other hard-gainers as well. In fact, his Muscle Gaining Secrets program has changed the lives of over 50,000 guys who’d virtually given up on the idea of ever creating the physique they wanted.

And nowadays Jay is not only changing the lives of hard-gainers like himself, he trains elite athletes, firefighters, police officers, martial artists, military personnel and even movie stars. He’s responsible for getting some of them in the amazing shape they reveal in Hollywood blockbusters, so he’s virtually creating the superheroes he once idolised … for real! And he’s the chief training advisor to Men’s Fitness magazine

A lot of his training tips involve the simple, basic exercises that, to me, sum up what fitness training should be all about – the likes of pounding an old truck tyre with a sledgehammer, heavy bag work, dumbbell snatches, skipping/rope jumping, ring work, hill sprints and pushing or pulling something really heavy, like a vehicle, or a sled piled high with weights discs or sandbags or whatever happens to be lying around. Mostly, his training methods can be summed up in a simple phrase: “Lift heavy stuff!”

His back-to-basics, no-nonsense approach appeals to me, and it gets results. He doesn’t advocate spending endless periods of time doing traditional cardio workouts (hates them, in fact), and knows damn well you can get far more strength-building and fat-burning effects from some of the exercises I’ve just mentioned.

It’s not all about big strong guys getting bigger and stronger though … his methods (and sometimes with a slight twist) work just as well for both sexes. Women who follow his guidelines tone their bodies far more successfully than with other methods, and achieve the kind of slim, hard, sexy bodies that other women admire and men … well, let’s just say men admire them too 😉

Take a look at this young lady banging out 13 perfect chins:

Now that Jay’s Muscle Gaining Secrets program has been made available to the general public, there’s nothing stopping you getting your hands on the tips and routines that have turned ordinary folk into the kind that turns heads and makes people stop and look back.

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