The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development



You are amazing! I’m sorry if this sounds corny, but you are. I am in awe of your blindingly bright, unbounded potential. You are literally unique. There has never been anyone quite like you before, not anywhere on this planet. And there never will be again. You’re a one-off. And it’s high time you realised it.

You are unique!

From your fingerprints (which are like nobody else’s) to your personality. Your millions of experiences are supremely your own, unlike anyone else’s. And your thoughts about them, and about everything in your life, and about everything else … quite unique!

But it’s not just your uniqueness that’s amazing about you. You have been blessed with infinite potential as well. You can do anything! I know it’s not easy to grasp this (and that’s due to the way virtually everybody sees things in a limited way), but it’s true. You can do anything you put your mind to.

You are the Creator of your World

You are the creator of your own world. Each of us has the power to change everything about us, and to manifest anything we really want. That’s the way we’re engineered. It’s an astonishing power, and it’s nothing short of utterly amazing.

We think of the giants of history and we see them as special. They were, without a doubt, but they were men and women just like us. They too started out as little babies filled with infinite potential. Somehow, by some freak of nature or nurture, they didn’t fall into the trap of seeing themselves as lesser beings, bounded by the same limitations as everyone else, and they went on to become ultra-special. They became what they dreamed of becoming. They became great artists, great scientists, great statesmen, great leaders. They became world changers.

You are Truly Amazing!

Each and every one of us, including you, is born rich, filled to the brim and beyond with unlimited potential and able to reach for, and achieve, our dreams. But we live in a world where we are surrounded by cloying mediocrity and we, for the most part, sink into it, a little tiny bit deeper every day. It’s my hope, with this little blog, to make a difference in the world. My aim is to awaken in you the realisation that you are indeed special, that you really do have infinite possibilites, and that you are, in fact, truly amazing.

Best get used to the idea!

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