The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

New year … new start!

December 29, 2015 Ken 0 Comments

Let’s do better in 2016

It’s at this time of year we all start to think about New Year’s resolutions, and starting over. We all want to do better next year than we did this year, and we hope (and dream) of better days to come. Don’t know about you, but New Year’s resolutions have always been a disaster for me; I start with high hopes and big dreams, and it seems like in no time at all it’s all become about as substantial as morning mist. And all that’s left is a bad taste in the mouth.

This year I’m not making any resolutions, at least no specific ones. I’m going to keep it simple and plain. I’m going for general, not specific. I don’t want to set myself up for failure by aiming high in all kinds of departments. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean I’m not aiming high – just that I don’t want to reach too far and too high. I think a better strategy is to aim to do better. There, it doesn’t come simpler than that – just do better.


I aim to wake up each morning looking forward to a great day, and grateful for having it. Gratitude is one of the things I want to concentrate on even more this coming year. I have a lot to be thankful for (I think we all do), and I don’t want to neglect the opportunity to be grateful for it. I want to wake up each day giving thanks for the chance to start over, and to do better. Not just this year, but this day! And by feeling gratitude and expressing it, I believe we attract more of what we’re grateful for.

I don’t want to have an easy ride, although I’m sure that would be nice. Instead of praying for an easy life, I pray for the strength to deal with whatever comes my way. Into every life some rain must fall, as the saying goes. And the operative word there is every. There’s no such thing as a completely easy life, not for anybody (and if we remember that it makes us more compassionate to others, since we realise they too are going through their own private battles). There will be rain. There will be setbacks. The best to hope for is the strength to deal with them, to cope, and to forge ahead regardless.

Improve the blog

I want to make this blog more successful. And that means working on it more often, and more carefully. I’m still not used to all the technicalities of running a blog (I should probably employ a nine-year old, he’d find it simple and uncomplicated, I’m sure). But I want to learn more about it, and I want to become more proficient at it. Not that I want to become a fully competent programmer (or ‘coder’, to use the term more common these days) – no, I’ve given up on that. I already spent a lot of time learning quite a few different disciplines (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 3, WordPress, etc, etc), but it became obvious after a while that I’d never be fully at ease with it all. Better, I think, to accept that and focus on the main thing – running the blog.

I want to write more. I want to post to this blog at least once a week, probably twice or even more. If it’s going to be worth your while reading it I aim to provide something of value to read, and plenty of it. And I want to provide information that you’ll find interesting and informative.

Top priority – health

We all want to be healthy, that’s probably the top requirement for everybody, so I aim to write more on health matters. Understanding our health is important if we’re to be healthier, so I’ll try to look into health matters and write about them in an accessible way. If I come across things that could be useful in improving your health, I’ll provide information about them.

We all want to be in better shape as well. Okay, maybe not all of us … some are happy to vegetate mindlessly on the couch and let the television just pour its content into their heads, regardless of whether it’s of any value, but I’m guessing you’re not among those. Not that there’s anything wrong with watching TV, I just think it’s wise to be selective, that’s all. If you’re not careful you can spend hours and hours and hours every single day doing virtually nothing but sitting there … sitting and staring … and going quietly dimmer and less creative.

No, not for me. Not for you either, I hope. Watch what you like, whatever appeals to you because it’s interesting, funny, informative, or whatever, but do not, under any circumstances just watch ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. That way lies madness.


For most of us (those who can manage to get off the couch once in a while) it’s worth doing something to keep in shape. Regular exercise isn’t really an option, it’s a requirement. You have a body, and it requires exercise, simple as that. I’ll be doing what I can to get myself in great shape. And I’ll be doing all I can to share tips and information on exercise and fitness with you, and I’ll make recommendations of books and programs that I honestly think are of real value.


And we all want to be more prosperous. That’s exactly as it should be. One of the insidious ideas most of us grew up with is that there is something intrinsically wrong with money. Something bad about it. Something distasteful about making plenty of money, or becoming wealthy. That’s such a crock, as they say, and it infects our entire lives, unless we dispel that idea, and other negative ideas concerning money. We need money, and plenty of it, if we are to live full, rich, fulfilled lives. Wallace Wattles describes the need for money very eloquently in The Science of Getting Rich, and I sincerely and warmly recommend you read this wonderful book. If you haven’t already got a copy, put your name and email address in the box in the sidebar and you’ll have your own copy in no time. Read it carefully, again and again, and let it sink in.

I want to become richer this year, and by totally honest and honourable means. I want you to be richer too, and I’ll do all I can to point you in the right direction to make more money. If I come across books and programs that can help you to prosper, be sure I’ll describe them here and recommend them. Becoming wealthy is easier and more attainable now than at any time in history. You can start a business from home, sitting at your computer, and never have to interact directly with a customer, and still make decent money. You don’t need to invest huge amounts of startup, you don’t need to buy lots of inventory, you don’t need to open a shop or store large amounts of products on the shelves or in the stockroom. All you need is to start an online business, and I’ll do all I can to advise and recommend the best ways to go about that.

So I’ll be addressing the three main areas we all want to improve – health, fitness, prosperity – and I’ll be writing about them in a way that, hopefully, will be helpful, informative, interesting, and maybe even amusing 🙂 I really do want you to be healthier and fitter than you’ve ever been, and to have more money than you ever thought possible. It’s going to be my mission to help you along the way in the search for these three vital elements in life, and I aim to make it as interesting and as much fun as possible.

We’re all truly amazing!

And I mean to stay true to the title of this blog, and focus on what is absolutely fantastic about us all; I firmly believe that each and every one of us is truly amazing in so many ways, and I want to focus on that fact. I want to point out how truly amazing we all are, and what astonishing potential we all have. If you think you’re just average, nothing special, and that we’re all just pretty ordinary, then you might find this blog a bit uncomfortable for you. I intend to shake those negative beliefs and help to instil more positive ones, for each of you … yes, for YOU!

I never forget that you are truly amazing, and that you have the potential to change your life to an astonishing extent. You can become who you truly want to be, you can have what you really want to have in life, and you can do everything you ever dreamed of doing. But don’t let this make you think you’re anything less than perfect now. The truth is you are truly amazing just as you are! But … and this is the point … but … you can still improve. You can become the person you dreamed of becoming years ago (it’s never too late), and you can do anything you dreamed of doing (oh yeah, it’s absolutely never too late), and you can have anything in this life, absolutely anything you ever dreamed of having, and I promise you, it’s absolutely never too late for any of this to come about.

Happy New Year! Let’s just do better in 2016

So I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions anymore. All I aim to do in 2016 is to do so much better in so many ways. I aim to become healthier and fitter and stronger than I’ve ever been in my life, I aim to become more prosperous than ever, and I aim to help you do exactly the same by improving this blog and adding valuable content to it as often and as regularly as possible. And I aim to encourage you to make these things become a reality by the simple expedient of taking ACTION!

Have a happier, healthier, and more prosperous year in 2016, and let all of us, each and every one of us, just do so much better this coming year!

Oh, and before I forget … I really, really intend to improve my memory this year. It really could do with some real improvement, and there are ways to make it happen, so it’s time I really focused on that as well.

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