The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

The Countdown Workout

December 13, 2015 Ken 0 Comments

Haven’t got time for a complete workout? Don’t feel up to it? Here’s the perfect alternative – a simple little workout that takes only a few minutes of your time, but packs a serious punch. I call it the Countdown Workout. Mainly because it’s a nice, snappy name, but also because it makes sense. Let me explain … first off, you haven’t got much time, so this is perfect because it literally takes you just a few minutes. Secondly, you don’t feel like doing a full workout. Fine, no problem – this is very much a mini workout. You can not only fit it in easily, you know you can cope with it because it only lasts a few minutes. Anyone can work out for just a few minutes, right? And thirdly … (was there a thirdly??) … oh yeah, it involves starting with a relatively high number of reps and reduces to a very small number. Now I don’t want to burden you with unnecessary requirements, so let me just say you can select any exercise you want. Or exercises. Yep, you can even do this with just one single exercise, but you can also expand it slightly to include another (or three, if you feel up to it). So here’s an example:

An example of a Countdown Workout

Picture this … you feel you need to do something, but you don’t really feel motivated to do a proper workout. And besides, you don’t really have time. So, you think, I know, I’ll just do press ups! But … with a twist! So you get down and start, and you do a nice set of ten press-ups. You keep the form strict and you keep the tempo even. You don’t rush the movements, so you keep tension on the muscles. You feel great! An easy set of ten! Now you’re thinking, maybe I could’ve done a full workout after all … then you snap back to reality and think, hey, don’t get carried away, I’ll settle for this, this I can handle! powerbar for press-ups-325Incidentally, when I do press-ups I generally do them using a pull-up bar. I know, sounds a bit weird, but it works. The bar I’m talking about can be placed on the floor so that one of its component bars (the one that grips against the door frame when it’s being used for pull-ups) is about 8 or 10 inches off the floor, in a very stable position. Perfect! I get some joint pain in my hands sometimes, and this seems to be one of the best positions for me to do this exercise. I can grip the bar wide, I can grip it narrow, but wherever I grip it, it feels right.

An easy workout …

So, back to you and your ‘easy’ workout: the first set went well, now you get to your knees and take a few deep breaths and rest. If you can call 5 to 10 seconds a rest! Then it’s back to the press-ups. This time you go for nine. And it’s okay, you make it and it feels just about as hard as the first set, but nothing to really trouble you. Yeah, I can handle this alright, you think, and lean back for another short rest. Breathing a bit harder now, but you’re still okay. I mean how could there be a problem, this is only a few shorts sets of press-ups, right?

Back to it, for the next set, reminding yourself this one only has to be 8. A little harder, now, but you make 8 without any trouble. And another breather. But your breathing’s a bit harder now, a bit more laboured. Doesn’t seem right somehow, that you should be feeling it already, after such a small amount of exercise. But this is the way this is, this Countdown Workout; it’s the very soul of simplicity in its construction, but still it really starts to put you to the test. Probably because, with such short rests, it’s almost a single extended set. But with perfect form! Back to it, making sure you only have enough time to get your breath. Just 7 now, what could be easier … only you’re really starting to feel it now and the last two or three are … mm … interesting. You get to your knees and lean back, grateful for the rest, and take a deep breath. This will be over soon, very soon. And you’re glad of that! Which seems a bit ridiculous, but it’s the truth.

Feels like the machine might need some maintenance!

oil the machineOn you go, only 6 this time, and you’re keeping perfect form, only the press-ups are getting harder, every one making you feel the tension in your arms, in your chest. You’re maintaining a flat back and moving up and down with the precision of a well-oiled machine. Only you feel this machine could maybe do with an overhaul, just a check to make sure everything’s still running smoothly, nothing’s broken. Nearly there now, just 5 this set, and you’re feeling it in your triceps, in your chest, in your breathing, which is getting a bit more laboured. The set’s shorter, thankfully, but you know you only have literally seconds till the next one.


Four this time, and each one is a challenge to perform in perfect style, but you’re determined to stick to the countdown, ‘cos let’s face it, if you can’t do ten press-ups, then 9, then 8, right down to one, then what are you doing even bothering with press-ups?

When will it be over?

You can’t wait for this to be over, but you’re aware you’ve only been training for a matter of a minute or two, and that you’ll be finished in a matter of seconds. This is brief, but intense. If you had to do this for half an hour complaining would be understandable, but for just a few minutes … hey,  just get on with it! The 3 set is mercifully short, but … well, intense, no point in mincing words. You’re keeping perfect style, so each rep is no walk in the park. You lean back and gasp. Nearly over. Thank God! You rest just a few seconds, ‘cos it’s only 2 now, and a ten-year old could do 2 press-ups, let’s be honest. Still, you can feel them, as though they’re on the verge of giving you real trouble. You lean back, take a quick gasp of air and grasp the bar again for a final set, a single perfect press-up, and when you do that last single rep you get up feeling you’ve done a short but very intense workout. You’ve literally only been two or three minutes at it, but your breathing is faster now, your heart rate is elevated, and you know damn well your metabolism is racing. And you know it’ll stay that way for quite some time, burning stored fat (as long as you don’t take in too many calories).

You did it! And next time …

water bottleYou grab your bottle and take a good long drink of water, knowing you’ve done okay. You’ve only trained for a few minutes, but you’ve got the very best out of those minutes, and then some. Maybe next time, you think to yourself … maybe next time I’ll do supersets, 10 press-ups and 10 freehand squats, then sets of 9 after a very short break, working down to just one of each. Mmm … yeah, it seems do-able … if I can do that, what I just did in two or three minutes, I could do the supersets. Yep, I can do that … next time.

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