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healthy diet

10 Tips to Make your Diet Work!

February 2, 2016 Ken 0 Comments

But first …

First, let me just say, I’m not a big fan of diets. Most of the time, and for most people, they just don’t seem to work. But they can work … if you do it right!

But first, let’s just get rid of a few myths …

1 – Eat fewer calories and you’ll lose weight

Well, it’s a good theory, and it seems to make sense, but there’s a lot more to losing weight than just cutting calories. If that’s all there was to it, we’d all be in great shape! And to simplify it to those few words is asking for trouble. You can cut your calorie intake and still not lose much weight (if any), for a number of reasons. Probably best to just dispense with this one. At least, if it’s taken in isolation.

2 – You can ‘lose 10lbs in two weeks’

Actually, you can. But it’s probably not a very good idea. And even if you manage it, you won’t continue to lose weight at that rate. And you might bounce back even higher, i.e. gain the weight back quickly, with a bit more added on for good measure! In fact, you probably will … and you know it!

3 – As long as you’re exercising regularly,
                             you can eat whatever you want

Not really. I mean, do you have any idea how long you’d have to exercise to burn off the calories in, for example, a couple of slices of pizza? Or a chocolate bar? The totally non-technical answer is a hell of a lot longer than you might imagine! And what are you, an Olympic athlete? Didn’t think so!

healthy salad4 – Salads are always a safe option

Mmm … surely that one can’t be wrong? Well, if by salads you mean strictly just greens, okay, but usually salads include salad dressings, and dips, and mayonnaise, and various other odds and ends. Usually high calorie odds and ends! So if you’re going for the salad option, keep your wits about you.

Okay, now for those tips!

1 – Drink plenty of water

Water is so important for so many bodily functions, and we generally don’t get enough of it. If you’re dieting you’re already changing things, and maybe putting some extra demands on your body. To do it in a state of dehydration is just asking for trouble!

drink water

Start the day with a glass of water, preferably with fresh lemon juice in it, or a tablespoon of cider vinegar. If the thought of that vinegar puts you off, do as I do, add a tablespoon of honey as well. Now that really is a health drink, and tastes good too. TIP: start with the honey and cider vinegar, add half a glass of warm water, and stir it in. When it’s all dissolved, top up with cold water.

Also, drink water before your meals and you won’t eat as much. It will also be good for your digestion. Aim to drink at least 4-6 glasses of water a day (and no, tea and coffee don’t count, if they’ve got sugar in!) And carry a small water bottle with you so you can take a drink any time you like (and you can refill anywhere there’s a water supply, plain tap water’s just fine).

2 – Go easy on yourself!

subscribeIt’s a diet, right? So there are rules. But don’t be too strict about it. The minute you ‘fall off the wagon’, or whatever is the right terminology for being lax with your diet, you might as well quit, if you insist on being strict about it. So give yourself some leeway. And the way to do that is to build it into your diet plan.

For example you could allow yourself one biscuit after a meal, if that sounds good to you. And if it keeps you out of the biscuit tin it seems reasonable. You can do that, can’t you, just one biscuit? And remember, a biscuit is all about the taste, and the texture … so eat it slowly and savour that taste and texture. Just nibble it, and make a bit of a game out of how long you can make it last. I know it sounds silly, but you can actually get enough satisfaction out of a single biscuit if you do it this way.

Remember this ‘rule’ for other things too … don’t be brutal and ban things totally, specially if they’re things you really like. It will just make you crave them even more! 

3 – Look for sneaky ways to burn calories!

Okay, maybe this is strictly an exercise tip, but it makes your diet work, since the diet without the exercise is probably not going to achieve much.

Here’s a few simple (and sneaky) ways:

  • Get off the bus a stop early and walk the last few hundred yards.
  • Use the stairs, not the lift. Okay, if you work on the 57th floor, you can use the lift, but only get it to the 50th floor – you gotta use the stairs the rest of the way!
  • Take the dog out for a proper walk, not just round the block. Dogs need plenty of exercise, and er … so do you! So make it a decent walk, right round the park, or along the canal, river, whatever, and make it so the dog is puffing and panting when you get home. You’ll be a bit wheezy too, but in a good way. And once you’ve done it once or twice you’ll want to make it a regular thing (and if the dog’s not up to it, get a more energetic dog! Only kidding 😉 )
  • Don’t sit at your desk too long. Take plenty of breaks, and stand up to work sometimes, or walk round as you talk, or as you think. It’ll make you look quite professional too, as though you actually know what you’re doing, which can’t be a bad thing 😉
  • Do the damn housework! Stop depending on appliances to do everything for you. Well, okay, you don’t have to do the washing by hand, but … tidy the garden, and make a nice job of it … clear the snow, if it needs clearing … do some proper cooking for a change, give the microwave a day off! … clean the windows, and the wardrobe doors (if they’re mirror doors … and if they’re not, pretend they are and keep rubbing till they shine!)

bathroom scales4 – Step away from the scales!

Pure weight measurement alone isn’t a very good measure of your health and fitness. Instead of checking your weight every day, take a good look in the mirror. Like what you see? Shocked? Either way, it’s probably a better indicator of your general health. And be honest with yourself. If you can’t even be honest with yourself about how you look and feel there’s probably very little chance you’ll make that diet work anyway.

5 – Think of it as an eating plan!

Okay, I’ve been calling it a diet, so this applies to me too; just stop calling it a diet! It’s a frightening word! Don’t use it, okay? Just … stop using that word. From now on, it’s your new, super-invigorating eating plan. And it’s going to work. Yayy! Now doesn’t that feel more positive?

6 – Don’t cut back on essentials

Whatever eating plan you come up with, make sure it provides a healthy mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. If you are planning to cut anything out completely (e.g. potatoes, bread, rice, whatever … but it’s not really recommended – see point No. 2, above), then make sure they’re things you can manage without. Don’t try to be a martyr! It won’t last … we both know that, right?

7 – Eat proper meals … just smaller ones!

Portion size is key! Eat a good, healthy mix of foods, and proper meals, but cut back on the quantities. You know what I’m talking about! I’ve seen the food piled up on your plate! What are you doing, building yourself up to survive a famine? Just stop it!! Sometimes, I’d swear, it looks like you had it delivered to the table by a dump truck! Yes, YOU! 😉

8 – Be honest with yourself

You’re changing your eating regime so you can be healthier and slimmer/fitter/more toned. You know this will take some self discipline and commitment, that goes without saying. So stop giving in to temptation! I know, it’s easy to say it, but really, if you’re honest with yourself you’ll know … you’ll absolutely know, that you have to make these changes, and make them a permanent part of your life.

So be true to yourself. Be committed. And make yourself accountable. Keep a diary, or some sort of record, and mark it every day to record your success. Use Jerry Seinfeld’s method to make sure you don’t break the chain .

9 – Treat yourself!

Remember I said give yourself some leeway … and build that into your new eating regime? Well, if there’s something you particularly like to eat (pizza, donuts, trifle, whatever), then allow yourself to indulge once a week. Don’t go crazy and undo all your good work, but do enjoy your treat. It will take all the sting out of depriving yourself of all those goodies! Remember, for this to work, and work properly, you want to make this new eating regime a permanent fixture. And you’re never going to manage that if you make if feel brutal and nasty.

10 – Take responsibility!

feeing goodJust stop buying all that junk food! You only eat it because it’s there, in the house. I pointed out, in No.8, that you don’t want to break the chain of successes you’re building up by sticking to your new eating plan – well, this is one chain you do want to break. Don’t even bring junk food into the house. Now you don’t have any reason to eat it. ‘Cos it not there to eat!

Take responsibility for this, and for other aspects of your eating plan. This isn’t something that someone is forcing on you as a punishment. You decided you want to lose weight … and ultimately it’s up to you to see that you do. So change your attitude to a more positive one, a more determined one. You’re doing this for you! So stick with it, and make it work!

You’ll look in the mirror one of these days and smile …
because what you see will make it all worthwhile!

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