The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

Ten vital success factors

February 16, 2016 Ken 0 Comments

We all want to be successful …
                but are we on the right track?

We all want success, that’s a given, and we do what we can to achieve it. Sometimes though, it feels like we’re taking two steps forward and slipping back three. We just don’t see as much progress we’d like and it can be very disheartening. It’s almost like we’re trying to swim … in treacle. Nothing seems to go to plan. It’s at times like this that we need to stop for a moment and regroup.

We need to re-evaluate success and what it means to us. Not the goal itself – your goal might be quite different from mine, or someone else’s. That’s not relevant right now. Whatever your goal, you want to achieve it, and that’s what constitutes success. What we don’t want is to keep struggling. Swimming through treacle is very draining (pretty messy too, I imagine!).

I’ve put together a 10-point success checklist that you might find helpful. Any time you’re struggling to achieve something, read through it. You might be able to identify the energy leak that’s allowing all your efforts to result in … well, not really very much at all. And it’s only when we recognise that there’s a problem that we’re in with a chance to fix it.


Here’s the list, in no particular order. Each point is important in its own right, and which is more important that another will depend on you and your goal. I suppose it will also depend on just where you are in your struggle and what exactly seems to be the problem. I hope this helps you spot your weak points, and gives you a head start to fixing them.


Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others – Jonathan Swift

You need to be able to see your goal in your future. And it’s not enough to be vague about it, you need to be able to see it clearly. You have to have a clear mental image of what it is you want to achieve, and the clearer the better. That way, your subconscious is better equipped to help you work towards achieving it. Trying to succeed in a quest when you don’t really know what it is you’re working towards is like walking blindfold down a dangerous alley where villains hang out. Difficult enough at any time, but when you can’t see where you’re going, much more dangerous.


Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. – Albert Einstein

Albert EinsteinYou need to be able to imagine exactly what it will be like when you achieve your goal. It’s simply not enough to imagine that you’ll ‘be happy’, or you’ll ‘feel satisfied’. Sorry, that won’t cut it! Just intellectualising about it is weak and pointless. You have to really experience those feelings and sentiments in advance, just as though you’d been whisked into your future at hypersonic speed and you’re already there, enjoying the fruits of your labours. That’s what will make things happen!


Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. – Stephen King

You need to be able to do what it takes to make progress, and you need to do it every single day. You can’t get upstairs with one giant leap, you have to take it one step at a time. And that means one day at a time, one hour at a time, one task at a time. Do something every single day that will propel you towards your ultimate success. Stop expecting something magical to happen, something that will save you all the work involved in achieving success. Sometimes magical things do happen, but the magic is usually ignited by the kindling of persistent hard work.


Bruce Lee

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. – Bruce Lee

You have to believe that you will prevail. You have to have trust in yourself that you can actually do this thing, and that trust needs to go deep, deep, deep … so deep. Trust that withers under the first assault isn’t true faith at all, it’s just a half-baked faith that’s actually worthless. You need to bolster that faith with regular bouts of affirmations, viewings of your dreamboard, prayer, or whatever method you use to strengthen your resolve.



The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That’s what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they’ll go through the pain no matter what happens. – Arnold Schwarzenegger

You have to have the guts to carry on when everything seems to be falling apart around you. Things will go wrong, you know that. No road is entirely without its twists and turns, and its occasional bumps. Are you going to quit when things get rough? Best think about that one now! It takes guts to carry on, but without that firm resolve to never give up, you won’t make it.


Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. – Saint Augustine

You need to believe in yourself, and you need to believe in something else as well, something greater than you. You can call this God, if you like. Or the Great Spirit. Or the Tao. Or the Universe. Hell, you can call it Neville if you want! Or Griselda. The point is, you need to believe that this thing that’s greater than yourself is benevolent, and is working on your behalf.

You are not alone! You have help, and it’s closer than you think. Just be prepared to ask for it, and ready to accept it.


When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps. – Confucius

You need to be prepared, and willing, to do whatever it takes. You need to be ready to work towards the realisation of your dream every single day. And you need to be ready to roll your sleeves up and do something, even when it seems there’s nothing to be done. There’s always something to be done, no matter how small it might be, or even if it’s only making a list of possible things to be done! The person who sits there bemoaning his fate and feeling sorry for himself isn’t preparing for success. He’s preparing for more of what he’s already got – misery and disappointment!


Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.- Thomas Edison

You need to see the road to your eventual success, and become familiar with it. You need to plan your route to success, and see the landmarks brightly lit along the way. It’s not enough to see your goal (although that’s essential), you need to also see the smaller goals along the way, and see them as tiny victories. You need to break the one huge, unwieldy goal into bite-sized chunks, to make them easier to tackle and digest.

You can do this! Just don’t expect it to be a cakewalk, or something that’s going to happen without any input from you.


The beauty of the soul shines out when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, not because he does not feel them, but because he is a man of high and heroic temper. – Aristotle

You need to develop an attitude of composure and equanimity, such that nothing fazes you. You know it’s not always going to be a smooth ride, and you have to be ready to roll with it. Keep calm under stress. Don’t panic, or give way to sudden changes in temperament. Don’t let outside influences control you. Breathe deeply and easily, and remain calm even when everything seems to be going wrong. That’s the measure of a successful person.


You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. – Marcus Aurelius

You have to be strong! If you are going to be a winner, you’ll need strength – physical strength and strength of character, both. Keep yourself physically fit and strong, as far as you are able, and strive to improve steadily. You don’t need to achieve the fitness of an Olympian, but you are in a contest all the same. And your opponent is formidable! He will try to undermine your efforts at every turn, sabotaging your hard work and laughing at the good of it when you fail. He will sneer, he will turn away in disgust, he will belittle your every attempt. He will do what he can to make you feel inadequate. He will make himself feel better by making you feel smaller. Don’t let him win!

This nasty opponent is your alter-ego, your other self, the one who whispers his doubts in your ear night and day and poisons your mind to success. His maliciousness knows no bounds. Pity him, because he comes from a bad background. Every bad thing that ever happened to you formed his warped character, so he’s more deserving of your pity than your hatred.

His weapons of choice are lack of faith, weakness of character, laziness, lack of persistence, inability to visualise, and anything else that he can find that will weaken you and nullify your attempts to succeed. Be aware of him, and do not let him weaken you!

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