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How NOT to get out of debt.

March 10, 2016 Ken 0 Comments

If you’re in debt and you want to be debt free, there’s something you need to remember … whatever you do, DON’T focus on getting out of debt!

Why would I say that? Surely the best thing to do if you’re in debt is to focus on getting out of debt, right? Well, you’d think so … but it’s actually a bad idea. And the reason is this: if you’re focusing on getting out of debt, your mind is focused on DEBT … and the more you focus on a thing, the more likely you are to attract it into your life. I’m sorry if this sounds like some sort of new-age nonsense, but it’s true … what you focus on, you tend to attract.

Think of a person you know who is constantly preoccupied with his aches and pains, and all the bad things in life. Is he the happiest person you know? I’m pretty sure you know the answer to that one. And does he always have something to moan and complain about. Oh sure, every day … and probably every time you meet him, or anyone else does. Complaining has become a habit, but he doesn’t realise that by focusing on all that bad stuff, he’s attracting more of it to him like a magnet.

older healthy couple, not worried by thoughts of debtThen think of someone you know who always seems happy and carefree. Does she spend time going over the details of all her illnesses and discomforts? Of course not! She’s too busy enjoying life! And because her focus is firmly in that direction she never seems to get infections when they’re going around, or fall victim to anything bad.

Being healthy isn’t just not being unwell. It’s a positive state, and one in which your mind and body are filled with a vibrancy and positivity that doesn’t leave much space for illness. That’s why a really healthy person often won’t fall victim to infections that seem to be hitting everyone round them.

You get more of what you focus on

Getting back to the debt situation, if you’re focusing your thoughts on debt (even if it’s for the purpose of getting out of debt), you are opening yourself up to getting ‘infected’ with even more debt. On the other hand, if you just switch your focus to doing whatever is necessary to put yourself in a financially healthy situation, then that changes everything. Now you’re focusing on being financially able, or financially secure, which encourages and attracts money into your life.

So do yourself a favour, don’t try to get out of debt! Instead, just aim to get into a more financially sound situation. Okay, it sounds like just a change in wording. But it’s more than that – it’s a change in attitude.

Another thing to notice, and this is critical – when you’re trying to get out of debt, there’s a definite lack of belief involved. You’re trying, but you don’t really expect to. If you did, you’d just think “I’m getting this under control, pretty soon I’ll have it sorted and I’ll have money enough for anything I want.”

That thinking is characterised by certainty, and a sense of expectation. That brings results fast!

The sponsoring thought

That brings us to the underlying thought process – the thinking that ‘sponsors’ the words. If you talk of ‘getting out of debt’, you’re admitting you are IN debt. You are recognising the fact of your lack of money. “But I’m just trying to be realistic”, I hear you say. And to that, my response is, “And how’s that working out for you? Where’s that got you so far?”

It’s the thinking, you see … that’s what’s important. If you’re thinking you’re in debt, and money’s hard to come by, and you’ll never be financially free, etc, etc, then you’re attracting exactly that into your life. In effect, you’re saying to the Universe, “I haven’t got enough money”, to which the Universe automatically replies “Yes … that’s true.” And it backs that up with circumstances that will make it even more true.

drowning in debtAnd you can look on the Universe as God if you like, or your own subconscious mind. It doesn’t make any difference. What matters is that it (this higher power) is programmed to do exactly what you want … to grant to you every single wish you make … to do your bidding. And the only drawback is that it can only respond to the thoughts you give out.

So if you’re thinking of lack, that’s what you’ll get more of. It doesn’t matter that you’re thinking “I’m in debt and I haven’t got any money coming in, but I’m working hard to change things”. It (the higher power) is tremendously literal. All it hears of that rambling chatter is “I want money … I don’t have money …”. And its response is, “Mmm … yes, that’s true, you don’t have money … and yes, you are in want of it …”

Hardly the conversation you want to have, is it? You’re just stating that you’re in a state of lack, and your higher power is agreeing, which is just about all it can do.

Focus on what you really want

If, on the other hand, you focus on what you actually do desire … that is, if you start continually thinking in terms of having the money, or the new job, or the new relationship, or the happiness, or whatever it is you really desire, then your higher power has something to work on. It now knows what you desire and it will do all it can to provide it.

You could think of the Universe (or God, or whatever) as being like a counsellor. You say “I’m drowning in debt!”, and it just steeples its fingers under its chin, looks caringly into your eyes, and mutters “Yes, indeed you are”. You say “I can’t seem to do anything right. I can’t get the job I want. My relationships are a mess. I just can’t … I just can’t seem to get it right. My life’s a disaster area.” And your higher power just nods and says “That’s so true … everything you said is absolutely spot on … you’re very incisive.”

Complaining won’t get the results you want

And this counselling session (like most, I imagine) isn’t helping at all. It’s not going anywhere. Why? Because you’re just complaining. You’re just focusing on what’s wrong. You’re not focusing on what you really desire at all, just on what’s wrong with your life.

And that’s the mistake we all make, nearly all the time. And that’s why we don’t get out of the mess we’re in. We continue to be in debt (because we keep focusing on it), and we just can’t get the job we really would like (because we keep imagining we can’t), and our relationships stay sour (because we continually moan about how miserable and sour they’ve become).

This calls for a fundamental change in thinking. We need to STOP thinking in terms of what’s wrong with our lives, and FOCUS on what it is we really want. Until we think repeatedly of what we want, not what we don’t want, and until we imagine success instead of failure, then we’ll keep getting the results we’ve been getting for so long.

Make a change … see what happens

Start forging a habit of focusing on what you really desire. Watch your thoughts carefully, and when you see that your thinking is faulty, change it to something more positive. Start focusing on results, on positive outcomes, on making continual progress towards what you really want. And start feeling good about things. You’re in debt, okay, I know that’s nothing to feel good about, but instead of moaning about it, imagine being debt-free, and work towards achieving that state. That’s far more likely to get you where you want to go than focusing all your mental energy on the fact that you’re in debt.

You’re in debt, that’s already an established fact; but why keep turning it over in your mind like a puppy going back to its vomit. It’s no good doing that! It’s a bad habit. Mentally give yourself a slap for being like a dopey puppy, and turn your attention to something positive. Be happy that you’ll soon be debt-free, and focus on working towards that.

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