The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

Live the life of your dreams!

January 13, 2016 Ken 0 Comments

Starting NOW!

Would you rather live the life of your dreams … or just dream about living the life of your dreams? It’s worth remembering that every successful creator, designer, entrepreneur, musician, inventor and anybody else you can think of who ever achieved anything, started with nothing more than a daydream. They all wanted to make it big. The only difference between you and them is that they did something about it. They took action!

As Bob Proctor says in this brief video, we’re only here for a short time, let’s make it a good time!

Today, you have a choice. Actually, you have the same choice every day. It’s this: do something to make your dream life become real!

Bob ProctorIf you’re like most people, I’m sure you want to be successful. That may mean something completely different for you than for me, or the next person. Success is whatever you decide it is. But you want success, in something, that goes without saying.

You probably want to be healthier. And happier. That’s pretty much standard; who, in their right mind, wouldn’t want those things? I imagine you want to be more prosperous too (in fact, you might even settle for just getting out of debt, for a start). And you probably want to create something of lasting value, whether it’s a business, or a skill, or a relationship … or, I dunno, something else entirely.

We all want to be successful. We all want, broadly, the same things. But how many of us are actually doing something to achieve that aim?

To make it happen, you’ve got to make a start!

Start today! Do something today that will push you in the direction of your dreams. Maybe that means you should seriously think about starting a business of some kind, or setting up on your own in some way or other? Maybe it means buckling down and starting to study the things you need to know in order to achieve success? Maybe it means getting to grips with learning a new skill? There are dozens, probably hundreds, of things you might want to do that will get you started. What you choose is your own business. The important thing is to make a start!

And don’t worry about failing. We all fail, time and time again. And the more often you fail, the closer you get to making it. Success is just a little way off, and you never really know how close you are. If you give up, maybe you were just inches from your goal. So don’t ever worry about failing … it happens to us all, even the most successful people fail, at all kinds of things, time and time again. What they don’t do is quit.

We all fail … that doesn’t make us failures!

Michael Jordan, acclaimed as the greatest basketball player of all time, wasn’t afraid to fail. He just saw each failure as a stepping stone on the way to success.

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

Michael JordanSo start something today, even if it’s just starting to read a book. Maybe you’ve got a book on something you’re interested in. Maybe it’s been sitting there, on that shelf, for quite a while. Well, the truth about books, as one of my old teachers used to say, almost whispering, as though it were a secret … the truth about books … is this … they’re not magic! You have to actually read them! Who’d’ve thought it?

He had a way with words, that teacher. He was the one who got me to learn maths. I was never great at it, even after him, but before him, I didn’t have a clue what it was all about; he made it interesting. Anyway, that thing he used to say about books, I suppose that must have had quite an impact on me, considering he said it so long ago, ‘cos I still remember it. That was a valuable lesson, a great truth … no matter how well written a book may be, and no matter how highly respected it might be, it’s still just a neat stack of paper … until you take the time to read it.

Create a success habit!

So if you’ve been meaning to study a book on success, or self improvement, or a particular skill or ability that you’re interested in, or a course of action of some sort, then make a start on it. Today’s a good day to make a start! And if you’re not big on reading, just read for fifteen minutes, and make a commitment to yourself to do it every day, preferably round about the same time. Make it a habit. Pretty soon you’ll have read the book, and you’ll have learned something of value. And you’ll have forged a valuable habit too, the habit of reading something every day, something other than the daily paper or a magazine.

Or maybe you’ve been meaning to start a website of your own, but you don’t have a clue where to start. Okay, start today, by researching it. There are countless articles on the internet about creating a website, and countless videos on YouTube on the same subject. I just typed create a website in the Google search box and guess how many results are listed? Over 3.9 million! Unbelievable! I just tried a different search term out of curiosity – I just changed it to create your own website, and it lists 953 million results! And you thought it would be difficult to find the right information??

Wanna create a website? Then what’s stopping you??

If that’s what’s on your mind, start learning what you have to do to create a website, and make notes as you go. Just note down all the important points, like choosing a topic, getting a domain name, choosing a domain name, choosing reliable web hosting (and finding out what that is, if you don’t know), whether or not you need to know computer programming or coding (hint: you don’t!), how you’re supposed to get people to find you site, etc.

website designAlso, you can quickly learn what’s really meant by such ‘scary looking’ sets of initials as WYSIWYG, HTML, CSS, SEO, JPG, GIF, etc, if you’ve always been a bit confused by them. Same goes for odd words and phrases like uptime, bandwidth, data transfer, dashboard, favicon, vector graphic, keyword, web analytics, and on and on and on …

And one of the best things about creating a website, for a total beginner, is that you can do it for free! Yep, literally, it costs you nothing! You can use such sites as Wix, Yola, Jimdo, SiteBuilder, Weebly, Moonfruit, ezweb123, Webnode, to name just a few.

Why create a website?

Of course you can create a website purely as a hobby, or as a sort of fan site for something or somebody you’re interested in, or just to publicize your own work, or sell your own stuff. Or you can make money with your website (find out how!), but the thing is, it’s never going to happen until you find out how it all works.

So, you want to create a website? Great idea! Start today, by finding out how to go about it. That’s so much more likely to be useful than just sitting there thinking God, I wish I had a website of my own!

You want to learn a musical instrument? Gone are the days when the only way you could do that was to hire a teacher. You can learn so much on the internet these days. You could learn guitar, piano, banjo, harmonica, whatever you like. But guess what … yeah … you have to make a start! Check it out today, search YouTube for lessons and tips on whichever instrument you’re interested in. Remember, once you make a start you’re practically halfway there. The hardest part of the operation, by far, is taking that first step.↓

Be bold, take that first step!

take the first stepSo, whatever it is you want to do, whatever you’ve dreamed of doing, today’s a good day to make a start. Start by writing down a few points, a sort of list of things you might need to do, and get busy on the first one … today!

If this sounds a bit daunting, maybe it’s because it means you have to step outside of your comfort zone. Just a little way, but it can be a bit frightening, I know. Most people never stray outside of that safe little region due to fear of the unknown … that fear that can paralyze you, and cripple your  dreams.

Don’t be one of them! Be bold and take that first step! Remember, this is the very first step of what may turn out to be a long and very rewarding road … and the first step can often be the hardest. Get this one out of the way and it gets easier as you go along!


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