The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

Mike Geary

Mike GearyMike Geary is just an average guy. He’s not a fitness model or a bodybuilder, but even so he’s had an astonishing effect on fitness models and bodybuilders the world over. He’s a man of average genetics, and he eats just like a normal person, not living on some weird celebrity diet and drinking only a blend of wheat grass and chia seeds.

Where he differs from you and me is that he has worked to become a certified nutrition specialist and a certified Personal Trainer, specialising in body fat reduction, functional strength and power training. He practises what he preaches, staying in super-lean shape year round.

And he has a passion for showing people how to eat delicious foods and still get in great shape. In fact, he’s made a career of it! He authored the wildly successful “The Truth About Six-Pack Abs” and his hundreds of articles on nutrition have been featured on literally thousands of fitness websites worldwide. Just a hunch maybe, but I think he’s onto something!

truth about abs - ebookIn “The Truth About Six-Pack Abs” you’ll learn which so-called ‘health foods’ are, in reality, no better than junk foods, and how the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits. You’ll also discover why ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, etc, are actually the least effective method of getting flat six pack abs, and find out what kind of exercises really do the trick.

You’ll also discover the power of natural foods in achieving the six-pack you want, and save a fortune on expensive “extreme fat burner” pills and other virtually worthless supplements. And you’ll learn the truth behind all those ab gadgets that fill the night-time TV schedules – the models that feature on those infomercials got their fantastic physiques through just the kind of information and strategies you’ll learn in this revealing book.

Here’s a few more of his books:

The Fat Burning Kitchen-250“The Fat-Burning Kitchen”, which shows you how to subtly change your diet in order to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

You’ll discover exactly what “whole wheat” bread, sugar, and vegetable oils do to your body, and why, although they’re called health foods by ‘experts’ and the media in general, they’re actually harming your health, and that of your family.

He’ll show you what you need to know to eat in a way that boosts your metabolism, balances your hormones, helps prevent heart attacks, and stops cancer from forming in your body.

He gives you the full story on vegetable oils, and explains why they are damaging to your health.

Mike explains in detail why sugar is so bad for you. You might have been keeping away from sugar already, but when you read this you’re probably going to be running in the opposite direction next time someone offers you a piece of cake!

He lists dozens of anti-foods that he sees regularly when he first visits his clients and takes a look in their kitchen. You’ll recognise them … most of them are probably in your kichen too!

To read more, just click on the Fat-Burning Kitchen book image above.


top 101 foods that fight aging-200“The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging”, which introduces the reader to 101 little-known foods, herbs, spices, teas and various other nutrients, and describes dozens of anti-ageing tricks to help protect your skin, muscles, joints and internal organs from ageing. Take these tips to heart and you could soon be looking 10years younger than your actual age!

In this book, Mike explains how eating too much trans fat can harm your cell membranes … but eating more healthy fats can help reverse that harm. He’ll show you eleven of the healthiest (and tastiest!) fat sources that can balance your hormones and protect your cell membranes.

You’ll discover the single most important vitamin that can help prevent accelerated ageing. In fact, one study found that having adequate levels of this vitamin can make you equivalent to five years younger from a cellular level based on telomere length.

You’ll learn which types of drinks are ten times more likely to cause glycation in your cells (which ages you faster), and you’ll discover delicious alternative drinks that actually fight ageing.

You’ll read about a fruit that you probably aren’t eating (delicious, by the way) that studies show helps to fight inflammation in your joints. If you want to maintain healthy joints and keep active as you get older, this fruit should definitely be on your weekly shopping list!

And you’ll discover how to use so-called junk foods, such as chocolate, coffee and wine to help rejuvenate your joints, lower your blood pressure, and control your blood sugar.

Read dozens more tips by just clicking on the The Tolp 101 Foods That Fight Aging book image above.


do this, burn fat-200

“Do This, Burn Fat” sounds like just the book you need, right? You bet! And the first thing you’ll learn in this book is that there is more than one type of fat in your body. And the brown fat, which was always thought to be something we all had as babies, has been shown to still exist in us as adults.  This type of fat is there partly to generate heat (essential to keep babies warm and safe), but as adults we could really do without it. However … you’ll discover a simple way to start the day that will invigorate you and at the same time give your metabolism a boost, thanks to that brown fat!

You’ll read about the amazing “super-food” that in one clinical study, dissolved away more than 10 extra pounds in 12 weeks…WITHOUT DIETING or any other lifestyle changes! And you’ll read about the tasty beverage you’ve been WARNED to stay away from…but new-found studies reveal the shocking health benefits jam packed in this potent anti-ageing & fat-burning “elixer”!

And true to the title, you’ll read a list of dozens of fat-burning tips and tricks, some of which are pretty weird and some actually very easy … but they’re all designed to melt away that stubborn fat. You’ll be shocked when you read some of these tricks, and actually amazed because some of them are really easy and a complete eye-opener. There are stacks of tips and tricks, and you can read about them by clicking on the Do This, Burn Fat book image above.


Can it really be this easy?

If I’m making this sound too easy, I apologise. It’s not easy sticking to a ‘diet’ at any time, even when it’s a sensible diet and very likely to actually work. To go along with Mike’s recommendations you’ll have to be prepared to change your usual diet and cut some things out completely (or at least cut right back on them). But that becomes a lot easier when you discover what they’re doing to your system!

And if you keep in mind how good you’ll look and feel when your body starts to respond to this improved way of eating, it becomes easier still. The only motivation you really need is the desire to become healthier and to regain the leaner physique you once had. And if you’re motivated – yes, you can do it!

Mike also publishes an online fitness newsletter, Lean Body Fitness Secrets – a newsletter so addictive (in a good way!) that it’s followed by over 700,000 subscribers in over 170 countries. Told you he was onto something!

Here’s just a few quotes from readers who are clearly thrilled they started on one of Mike’s programs:

Hi Mike,

I have just finished reading your book and I must say that it is remarkable! It  has truly taught me a lot. Also, thanks so much for your response to my questions. That to me shows that you are actually in this to truly help people like me succeed in the fat loss battle. I’m more confident than ever that I’m well on my way to reaching my goal of losing 40 lbs of body fat. Thank you,

Jini Keller, Blair, Nebraska 

“Truth be told I was BORED TO TEARS with our usual routine at the gym. Not to mention it wasn’t really getting my stomach flat!! I love your approach cause it explains everything, and I am a person that needs to know the reasons for why I am doing what I am doing! I like the variety and the shorter workouts, as apposed to the long boring workouts and repetitive isolating exercises I used to do.

Following your program I am certainly getting the heart pumping and the sweat is flowing like I’ve never felt before. It feels great. Thanks, and I will keep you posted!”

Michelle Smith, Ontario, Canada

“I have been working out for about two and a half years but I just couldn’t lose the last 10 pounds of body fat I wanted to lose. I started taking your advice recently and eventually lost those extra 10 pounds of fat I wanted to lose! I did it your way which to me is the smart way.

I am 38 years old and now have a 32 inch waist. It took a lot of discipline but you helped me reach my goal! One of my cousins just looked at me and kept saying WOW! WOW! WOW!

Thanks so much!”

Mike Castaneda 

“I have been exercising on my own my entire life, but I really hit a plateau during the last few years, and this program has given me new motivation and kickstarted my results. Thanks Mike!”

Pete Maguire, Brookline, Mass.

“Mike, I’m truly excited after starting your program. After reading through all of your info, I can’t believe how many things I was wasting my time with or even just doing plain WRONG! I’ve definitely been doing all of the wrong types of cardio and the wrong types of strength exercises as well.

Thanks again for giving me this much-needed education into a very important topic… my health & well being (not to mention looking great also!)”

-Sandra Torrez, San Antonio, Texas 

“Hi Mike – Great book! I am following your workout plans detailed in the book and the diet tips and seeing great results. I am only training every other day, and keeping the intensity pretty high. So far so good.  Thanks!”

Sky Gornik, San Diego, CA

Mike’s the real deal. If you can’t stick to some simple guidelines, maybe you’d best steer clear of his products. On the other hand, if you’re fed up with half-baked training ‘advice’ and ridiculous ‘diets’, this is probably the answer to your prayers. Specially if you’ve been trying since forever to shift that layer of blubber round your middle!


Just so there’s no confusion, if you order any of my recommendations I will receive a commission.
But be assured, I only promote products I consider to be of real value.
And bear in mind, they are all covered by a 100%, no quibble, money-back guarantee.

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