The Truly Amazing Blog

Exploring Potential in Personal Development

Your own personal ABC (Alphabet of Brilliant Characteristics)!

February 10, 2017 Ken 0 Comments

Congratulations on being truly amazing (your brilliant characteristics prove that you are)! I always knew you were, but I get the feeling you sometimes doubt yourself. Actually, we all do, truth be told. And most of us don’t get told often enough just how truly amazing we really are.


Well, I’m here today to remind you that you are indeed truly amazing. Without any doubt! And one of the things we can do to restore our faith in ourselves is to review some of the many ways we are all truly amazing.

I’ve put together an Alphabet of Brilliant Characteristics (ABC) for you to take a look at. It’s my gift to you! You never again need to feel anything less than amazing … truly amazing! This ABC will be a powerful collection of positive affirmations that will help you feel more confident, more lovable, more worthy … more … more you!

I’ve listed some of your best characteristics, and in most cases I’ve even given you several alternatives. You can tailor this to suit yourself, exactly the way you want to. Pick the best and most appropriate trait for you for each letter of the alphabet (or more than one, if you like), and make the whole thing your own personal Alphabet of Brilliant Characteristics.

Review it whenever you feel like. Commit it to memory, if you like. Then you’ll have a whole list of positive and empowering ideas and mental images that you can carry with you wherever you go and bring to mind at any given moment. What a way to give yourself a powerful mental boost instantly … a quick run through your own personal ABC!

AAttractive, Amazing, Appealing, Awesome, Awesomely Attractive, Asthetically pleasing, Audacious, Alert, Adventurous, Altruistic, Attentive, Assertive, Astonishing!
BBrave, Beautiful, Bold, Bursting with energy, Bright, Bewitching, Bodice-ripping, Ballerina-like, Beguiling!
CCourageous, Creative, Carefree, Cheerful, Calm, Calming, Confident, Clever, Considerate, Caring, Captivating, Charming!
DDevoted, Dependable, Desirable, Dreamy, Dashing, Dainty, Distinguished, Debonair, Decisive, Driven, Defiant, Decorous, Delicate, Delightful!
EEnergetic, Easy-going, Exhilerating, Enthusiastic, Engaging, Exciting, Exceptional, Enthralling, Extraordinary!
FFunny, Frank, Flirtatious, Flexible, Fearless, Faithful, Fine, Flawless, Flamboyant, Fiery!
GGenerous, Grounded, Great, Gregarious, Gentle, Gentlemanly, Good looking, Gorgeous!
HHonest, Honourable, Handsome, High-class, High-spirited, Heart-stoppingly gorgeous, Hilarious, Huggable, Hard-working, Hypnotic, Heroic!
IIdealistic, Inspiring, Interesting, Incomparable, Individualistic, Intelligent, Imaginative, Illustrious, Impeccable!
JJocular, Jovial, Joyful, Just amazing!
KKingly, Kind, Kind-hearted, Kissable!
LLoving, Ladylike, Likable, Lightning-fast, Lissome, Lovable, Lusty, Lithe, Liberated, Locked-on (to my goals)!
MMotivated, Motivational, Majectic, Mindful, Monumentally awesome, Magnificent, Muscular, Magnanimous, Masterful!
NNon-judgemental, Nubile, Noteworthy, Naughty!
OOutstanding, Ostentatious, Open, Open-minded, Out-of-this-world, Optimistic, Obliging, Outgoing!
PPersistent, Proud, Private, Persuasive, Positive, Passionate!
QQuiet, Queenly, Quick on the uptake, Quick-witted, Quick to forgive!
RResilient, Radiant, Razor-sharp, Ripped, Resplendent, Resourceful, Resolute, Reliable, Ravishing, Rich!
SSelf-confident, Smooth, Self-assured, Snake-hipped, Sharp, Success-oriented, Super-intelligent, Spectacular, Spectacularly good-looking, Spontaneous, Strong-minded, Stunning, Stunningly attractive, Stable, Stylish, Suave, Steely, Strong!
TThick-skinned, Tactful, Toned, Tactile, Tasty, True, Tender, Thrilling, Tireless, To-die-for, Trustworthy, Tremendous!
UUnswerving, Uncommon, Ultimate, Unafraid, Unyielding, Unconventional, Unpretentious, Unrivalled, Unflappable, Unflinching, Uproarious, Undaunted!
VVictorious, Vivacious, Vital, Valiant, Vibrant, Voluptuous, Virginal!
WWilling, Wealthy, Warm-hearted, Wonderful, Well-informed, Well-intentioned, Well-spoken, Wise, Witty!
XXciting!, Xemplary!
YYearning to help out, Yearning for success, Young at heart, Youthful, Yummy!
ZZany, Zestful, Zealous, Zooming towards your goals!

Select a list of the most appropriate characteristics for you (and that means for the you of your dreams, so don’t be shy to choose some of the wild ones!). Write that list down so you can recite it often. Have fun with it! Enjoy playing with the images it invokes.

Naturally yours will be totally personal to you, but just as an example, to help explain how you might benefit from this ABC … it might go something like this:

“The truth is I’m more than Amazing, I’m Absolutely Astonishing in so many ways … for example, I’m Brave and Courageous, I’m Confident and Considerate, and I’m very Decisive, but when necessary I can be Defiant.

I’m Endlessly Energetic and Enthusiastic, and all-in-all quite Exceptional.

I’m Funny, Frank, and let’s face it, Fearless.

I’m Good-looking (okay then, Gorgeous!), and I’m Honest and Honourable, not to mention Hard-working … etc, etc.”

Like I said, play with it, have fun, but to get the best out of it suspend your disbelief about anything you’re saying or thinking, or at least as much as you possibly can. Really immerse yourself in this litany of lavish and laudable characteristics. Let yourself drift right into this future version of yourself, and know that as you’re doing so you’re feeding your subconscious mind layer upon layer of positive reinforcement.

Gradually, over time, you’ll inevitably start to develop these desirable characteristics more and more, and the more fun you have with it, and the more deeply you engage in it, the quicker this will happen.

This can be a great way to feed your subconscious the positive and creative ideas it craves. And it’s so much easier than sitting with your eyes closed, ‘trying’ to meditate and visualise. This is FUN, and painless visualisation. And because it’s fun, you’ll tend to do it much more often than anything else you might have tried in an effort to improve yourself.

Remember, if you had a really close friend you’d be eager to dish out compliments and reminders of how wonderful he or she is. So it’s just not acceptable to fail to extend the same privilege to yourself.

You’d compliment a friend … why not yourself?

You deserve to be complimented! You deserve to be reminded of your truly wonderful characteristics! Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you (you might be waiting a very l—o—n—g time!). Instead, make it a habit to spend a minute or two each day complimenting yourself and reminding yourself that you are an amazing person. Bask in your own glory for a little while! Build up your confidence and your self-esteem! Fortify your self-image! And quieten that nagging, insistent little voice that’s steadily pouring poison in your ears all the time.

Take full control of your mind! Decide, right now, that you are indeed a truly wonderful person, and make it a habit to recite your own personal ABC whenever you have a few moments to spare.


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